Along with a healthier mind and spirit is the obvious- body.
Today I attended a nutrition/weight loss class on base. It was a good little refresher! Eating "healthy" is definitely a struggle for me. My body is very much addicted to fat, sugar and carbs. I don't remember when it begin. Sometime after Dylan was born I suppose. I feel out of control sometimes and just want to eat everything in sight. And yet sometimes I am still not satisfied. I watch shows such as Heavy and I used to be fat and I really can relate to those people. I know, I know, some of you may read this and laugh because afterall It's not that I am morbidly obese but according to my BMI I actually am considered "obese". Blah- I hate that label. And people often tell me "Oh be quiet. You look great for having two kids". (1) I don't want it to be an excuse that I had two kids and (2)I know what I looked and felt like before the boys came along and I would like to be at that place again. Like yesterday. So I am working on snacking on better food such as raisins and on my portion sizes. For dinner I am eating not the healthiest of things but I am trying to just eat less of it. Little changes. Hopefully all that on top of going to Zumba three times a week will give me some results in the months to come. Wish me luck!