Hey everyone!
So t-minus 8 or so days until I *hopefully* will be on US soil
and I think it's important to share some information, thoughts, anxities and
fears with you before we arrive..
The boys (Tyler & Dylan) & I will be Space-A'ing home. Space-A means
'space available' which means we board the plane when they have room
for us. This is a free flight. Because Kyle won't be with us (because
the Air Force wants him on a commerical flight) we will be a catagory
5 out of 6, so it could take us a day or two to get out. *fingers crossed
we get lucky!* We will fly from here to Charlotte, South Carolina
(10+ hour flight) and then someone will hopefully be waiting for us
there and drive us home (6 hours). With that being said, It might take
the boys and I a couple days to recover from jet lag, stress and anxiety,
and get back on some kind of schedule, so please don't take it personal
if you know we have been home for a day or two and you haven't seen us.
I haven't seen most of you in a loooong time and certainly
the first time I do I want to atleast be showered and looking somewhat
presentable, lol.
Kyle will mostly remain in Mississippi throughout the trip, to continue
more weather training. He will be able to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas through New Years though.
Who I was/who I am now:
The last time any of you have seen me (besides my mom) was one year
and seven months ago. I was six months pregnant and glowing. I was a mom to only
one child- a fairly well behaved twenty-two month old who wasn't able to communicate
yet. Fast forward to the present and I feel like I'm a totally different person.
I am busy, tired, stressed, feel overworked and underpaid.
I now have two very active children who keep me on my toes from 6am to
7pm, non-stop. They are active and rambunctious and full of life. I
have been very blessed at having small breaks from them since we have arrived
in Germany, but still find my patience for them dwindling downward, even
on my best days. I don't want to be perceived as a mean, uncaring mom during
this trip, so just know that I (as I hope is very obvious) love my little men more than
anything on this earth but have been their everything for a very long time,
and tend to lose it quickly when a situation arises.
Watching the boys:
Despite the picture I created in the above paragraph, the boys are actually
pretty good when they are seperated. Those of you who have offered
to take them off my hands, I would advise you to just take one of
them, rather then both of them. I don't want you to return stressed
and have a negative outlook on future gatherings. Trust me, the boys
are alot for me to handle, let alone someone who hasn't spent much time with them.
They both sleep through the night! And if you knew half of the people
I was friends with who have children, you would know how lucky I am
to have not only one but TWO kids who sleep completely through the
night (with the exception of Tyler waking up usually once to take a wee wee)!
With the above being said, let me add this:
I most likely won't ask you for help, but just know that I would love
a break from my kids! I would looove for someone to say "You look
like you could use a nap. Let me watch them for an hour". And just
keep in mind that no matter how the boys act, you won't see them again
for another year most likely!
Money situation:
With Kyle being seperated for us we should be getting addition pay but we
are still unsure how this is going to play out, seeing as how he will be
in one state supporting his needs, and I will be in another state doing
the same. We already live pretty tight and he might have to
activate his cell phone, which would only make things tighter.
A fear I have is not being able to provide gifts for everyone when Christmas
rolls around. In the years prior to the military the only reason we were
able to provide gifts for everyone was credit cards and now we're paying
for it. :/ I obviouslly don't expect a single gift from anyone. The best gift
to me, besides the gift that is allowing me to spend the holidays with
you all, is taking the boys for a couple of hours so I can go for a run, or
a quiet walk on the beach.. (:
I think that's about it. I feel better already!
I just want this to be a wonderful trip where Tyler & Dylan spend
countless hours giving and receiving hugs and kisses from their family
and friends! If along the way we become a burden in any way, shape or
form, please be open and honest about it. I know having people visit or live
in your house, interrupting your lifestyle, can be challenging and I don't
think holding back feelings will be healthy.
Can't wait to see you all!