Ever since I can remember we have had the food battle with Tyler. Maybe it's partially my fault because I started him on jar food early and waited a good while before introducing table foods or maybe it's because I didn't offer him enough of a variety early on or maybe it's just the way he is and he takes after his mommy. Whatever the reason, the kid is crazy picky. It's without a doubt frustrating and quite frankly embarrassing at times (particularly when we're at a BBQ and out comes the peanut butter and jellies I packed for the kids).
For people who have kids who do in fact eat everything under the sun I don't think they can help but not understand how a kid doesn't. I think that applies to pretty much everything in parenting in that you truly cannot understand what's its like on the other side until you have personally gone through it. Well, I am on that side on this topic and it's hard. Please do not judge me.
When Dylan came along I made a vow to wait until 6 months to give him jar food (because from my Dr. had told me and what I read, it could have a positive impact on how they eat later on), and then shortly thereafter introduce table food. By 10 months old, and my mom can tell you because she was here in Germany, he was eating everything. Lasagna, steak, beef stew, soup, all vegetables, I mean everyyyyything. "Finally", I thought.
Let's fast forward a year and I now not only have a pick almost four year old, but a picky almost two year old. Good grief. How did this happen again after doing everything I thought was right?
You read it often and have people tell you "Just give them what you're
eating and if they are hungry they will eat it". Not my kids. I have seen Tyler go almost two days without eating a meal. It broke my heart and made me feels like the worse person in the world.
I don't why or how it occurred to me but recently (two weeks ago) I decided to try a
different approach. I think one of my friends had mentioned she does it with her kids.
Here's how things work in the Meade house now:
Breakfast- We have no problems in this area. Both of the boys love eggs, cereal, fruit, oatmeal, pancakes, toast, etc. so I make sure they fill up on this meal.
Lunch- I will give them anything they want. Hotdogs, chicken nuggets, PB&J, whatever. Here they got hotdogs, apples and goldfish.

An hour after dinner Tyler said "Mommy, I am hungry" and without a lot of guilt I calmly explained to him that he should have tried the pork and maybe he wouldn't be.
I feel like this system is working well for us.. (: