It's been a while....
They both have grown up so much in the past couple of months..
Tyler, well it's safe to say he most definitely does not have any speech delay anymore. The kid never stops talking! He has turned into quite the indepe
ndent little boy who wakes up in the middle of the night to take himself to the bathroom, makes big attempts to dress himself in the morning (it might be a sweater vest and pajama pants but A for effort!) and wants to help make every meal I make.
Dylan, well he is still a little shit (Sorry, but there just really isn't any other word). He gets into everything humanly possible. Buuuut we have officially broken him of his pacifier, are weaning him onto older sippy cups and his vocabulary grows at a rate I didn't know was possible. The kid is a genius if you ask me! Oh, and he is back to using his potty everyday.
I know I am guilty of rushing my boys to grow up, I always have been, but in my situation with having little to no help around me and a husband who, when he works, is gone 12 and 1/2 hours a day, I can't seem to help it. I love the cute things they say and the endless snuggles and cuddles I get everyday but I am ready to not make their every move for them. I am not ready for them to be 12 but just a little more grown up and independent than they are now. I think this time next year I *should* be less stressed, in a new house (which doesn't have a baby lock on every cabinet, drawer and door) and two kids who can play together for maybe a half an hour, instead of putting on a WWE show.
Love them so much...

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