There are so many things I would love to do in life- would love to be.
Dancer. Producer. Model. Midwife. Singer. Photographer.. just to name a few.
I feel like I have all this potentional built up inside of me but just don't
know what to do, or have the courage to do it. It's super frustrating.
I am on my way to becoming a certified doula and who knows
where that will take me in life. Midwifery school would pretty much
be the perfect job for me but as pathetic as it may sound I don't
think I can handle the responsibility that comes along with it. Even just the
thought of becoming a nurse scares the jeepers out of me. I feel like that
should not stop me from pursueing something I am so passionate about
but it totally does. We're supposed to take risks in life and yet I don't think
I ever will. I never really have.
I'm thinking about purchasing an Apple computer so that I can make videos
using iMovie and burn them onto DVDs. Kyle is more than convinced that
I could easily bring in some dough doing it but I'm not too sure.
We're also thinking about purchasing a professional camera. I'm thinking Nikon.
However living in Deutschland doesn't exactly have great access to photography
classes so I would pretty much have to learn as I go. Or spend a great deal of time
on YouTube. I guess the first step to those is to buy them and get started.
March marks two years that we've lived over here which means only twelve
months until we move back to the States! I am excited mainly because
that means I will start school. What I will go for (since it won't be anything
I really want to do) is up in the air. Ultrasound tech? X-ray tech? OTA?
Whatever I do I am sure I will shine in. Once I actually get a career
then I would still love to do something on the side like my videos
or photography.
I hope I can teach my children that whatever they want to do in life they
are capable of doing and should pursue it no matter what. My parents
did a marvelous job at raising me but for some reason I definitely lack in
the confidence area and will go through the rest of life knowing
that I am settling for less...
You are a mother and military wife, that in itself takes an amazing and courageous woman. You moved to Germany pregnant with your second child and have made a home for you and your family. I have known you since you were 16 (or 17 lol its been awhile) and I have watched you grow from a teenager to a beautiful talented woman. You are right there is so much inside of you and those who know and love you see it all. I see it and I am an ocean away. Amber you are truly a unique and inspiring woman. You can and will do whatever you want, because all of that potential is there. I have no doubt that you will end up doing exactly what you were meant to.
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