Sunday, October 9, 2011


"Sometimes it takes being away from someone for a while to realize how
much you really need them in your life."

Don't get me wrong. I've known since the moment I met Kyle just how lucky I was to have been the one to snag him and he proved himself even more to me once he became a father. Now being separated for what will be six months is yet another eye opener. I truly am one lucky lady.

Thank you Kyle for the countless and countless times you have gotten up early with the kids, even on the days you were supposed to sleep in.

Thank you for taking care of me when I am sick.

Thank you for rubbing my back every single night.

Thank you for putting up with my ever-so-slight shopping addiction.

Thank you for working long days and crazy schedules so that I can stay at home with our two beautiful boys.

And thank you for never holding that over my head.

Thank you for allowing me to go out whenever I want.

And thank you for not being one of those husbands who I have to get permission first.

Thank you for always supporting me. Whether it's to be a doula, photographer, surgical tech, you're all for it and believe in me.

Thank you always joining me at birthday parties. I appreciate the extra set of hands more than you will ever know.

Thank you for changing diapers, wiping snot, and anything else that needs to be done.

Thank you for never complaining about having to work. I know it can't be easy leaving in the morning while we're all still in bed yet you never say a word. You do what you gotta do and come home. Love you so much for that.

Thank you for being you. You're the true definition of a "gentlemen" and I honestly think I'm one of the luckiest woman alive. I love and appreciate you so much and can't wait to tell you that in person. xoxo


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