Tuesday, November 29, 2011


A couple of weeks ago I received a book at a MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) meeting. It's titled Momsense: A common-sense guide to confident mothering. Now, I'm usually pretty quick to say that I am not at all a book worm but ever since Kyle has been gone (well, even before then.. when I started taking anxiety medication) I have had difficulty falling to sleep at night. I feel exhausted come 4 in the afternoon but come 10:00 when it's show time- nothing! I close my eyes but feel my lids twitch with all the thoughts that begin to run around my head. I need to pay that bill. Did I check Tyler's backpack for homework? Whose birthday party am I going to this week? They just keep coming. So I thought I would try good ol' reading to see if it would ease me to sleep. It works! And I discovered that I actually love the book I received. Chapter after chapter I learn more about ways I can become a better mother. Isn't that what every mom wants after all? For me it comes down to getting off this damn computer. Once I am off I am good to go and am completely hands-on with the boys. Today Tyler and I made oobleck. Again. I kind of love it.. :)

Last night was the chapter on patience. I think I am going to read it again tonight. It's something I need to work on a lot. I remember being rushed as a little kid and I didn't like it but here I am as a mom doing it. The author talks about how she strived to go an entire day without saying "hurry up" and how much of a struggle it was. I can definitely relate. We live in a busy world where time never stops but toddlers do to smell flowers, pick their noses and touch everything. In the end I'm the only one to blame because I should allot more time, which is what I did this morning and I'm pleased to say we had a wonderful and relaxed morning. Granted I had to wake up two and a half hours before we were due to walk out the door but if that is what it takes then I will do it.

Stay tuned for more adventures. :)


Jessica said...

Two things: First, I love that book, too... I'm only a few chapters in but I like it a lot. So encouraging! Second... how did you get that rating gadget on the bottom of the posts? I've been wanting to do that for awhile on my blog and haven't been able to figure it out!

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