Woke up, put a smile on a face and started making the boys breakfast.
I decided to try out a new recipe. It's 'healthy chocolate chip muffins' which has
the following ingredients in it: wheat flour, cocoa powder, light brown sugar, quick
oats, flax seed, unsalted butter, yogurt, vanilla- among the usuals like egg, baking powder,
This is what they looked like before I popped them into the oven..
..and this is what they looked like ater they were done..
Alright, I will be the first to say it.. It totally looks like dog feces.
I don't blame Tyler one bit for not eating them. Dylan, on the other hand, seemed
to thoroughly enjoy them for breakfast.. and snack later in the day! (:
After breakfast was finished a friend invited us to Kids Zone so I got the kiddos
dressed and ready, with a couple of minutes to spare for me to slap some mascara on.
I was ready for the day!
Dylan looking so handsome with his mohawk..

Kids Zone wasn't so bad. I haven't been there in months and I must admit I still
have some anxiety about bringing them to places like that. One usually is off playing
in one area of the place, while the other is at the total opposite end.
I packed the boys lunch and had them eat it there- only to have the grumpy
old man who runs the register at the front tell me that it's again "army regulation"
or some crap (even though I purchased lunch there so they made money off of me...)
Let's just say my friends got to see first hand the little attitude I give.
They then came up with the term "Pulling an Amber", meaning to get angry
with someone. LOL
We got home around 1pm, just in time for Dylan to nap, and just in time to enjoy
a rare thunderstorm..
(Probably hard to see but the sky was black and it was pouring!)
Luckily it cleared up shortly after Dylan awoke from his nap and we were about
to leave the house again to pick up a new DVD series.
That's right, Army Wives! :D
Around 6pm my friend Naomi and her two boys showed up for a sleepover
(hey, it's fun to pretend to be 13 again), where we made baked chicken and broccoli
and watched all four boys place nicely (for the most part) together.
After the kids were all down we watched the first two episodes of Army Wives and
like everyone said, I can't wait to watch the next one.. and the next one after that. :p
It's 12:18 in the morning now and Naomi and I are both sitting at out laptops
like geeks, blogging and playing Sims.
(Thanks Na for being such a wonderful friend and keeping me company
on this 1st out of one hundred and seventy-nine nights. ::hugs::)
*Oh! Kyle managed to Facebook me, letting me know that he made is safely
and that he will try to get his internet figured out tomorrow and try to
Skype me. :D
Alright, it's off to bed.. G'night!*
No problem girl...night two coming up....more Army Wives!! Woot woot
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