Woke up to my alarm at 7am and started getting the boys & I
ready for church. Made everyone breakfast, including myself
for a change. For some reason today seemed like a great day
to really buckle down on my nutrition and exercise habits
so I started the day off with 1 cup of multigrain Cheerios,
1/2 cup of skim milk, 11 grapes, and water for my drink:
We were out the door by 8:30.
Church was interesting today. The pastor talked about how we are all
so obsessed with our appearances and trying to get acceptance and love
by others but at the end of the day we were created in the image of God
and he loves us just the way we are, and only sees us for who we
are on the inside. I really enjoyed it.
"Look at the hat I made in the childcare center!"
My friend invited us to eat at the Bx after the service, and
as much as I was craving me some Taco Bell (don't judge) I
said "No thank you" like a good girl and headed home. Plus
Dylan was exhausted (partly due to crying for me for a bit in
the childcare center. Sad face.) so it wouldn't have been a fun
time anyways. Made the boys lunch and laid them down, and
then made myself lunch. Chicken deli meat on whole grain bread
with 1 tbsp of mayonnaise, an oats n honey bar and water:
I slowly enjoyed this meal while watching Army Wives. I am
getting more and more into the show but think to myself each time
"This probably is not the best time to watch this". Haha. I ended
up taking a snooze and when I woke up I saw the sun shining
through my window and immediately woke D up, got
Ty ready and headed to the park. It was absolutely
gorgeous outside!

Tyler actually took this next picture!
The end.
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