Sunday, July 17, 2011

three weeks ago today

Three weeks ago today I decided that I was tired of feeling sorry for myself for being over weight and out of shape. I was tired of buying "fat pants", tired of feeling out of control and tired of feeling OLD at the age of twenty-four. So I took the first step in which I decided I was going to change my life. Sounding a little dramatic? Maybe. But if you only knew my habits before that day compared to now it's truly a 180. I feel so great every day (okay, maybe not every day. I don't particularly feel wonderful after the days I kill it at the gym. lol) and I feel my desire to reach my goal only grow stronger with each passing day. To anyone who is reading this that has wanted to do the same I say this- JUST DO IT! Start by going through your cabinets and tossing anything obviously unhealthy. The chocolate in my pantry would speak to me as soon as I would open the door so out it went (along with soooo many other things)! Next, plan out a week of healthy, well-balanced meals and track everything you eat and drink. Lastly, make a workout schedule, even if it's talking a fast walk with your kids three days a week. Something. Anything! I must admit, I am at an advantage since my husband is currently residing in another country but once he returns home in January we're going to take this journey together. :) There are so many reasons I decided to this. A couple of them being that (1)I want to set a good example for my children so that they too can grow up and live a healthier lifestyle, then pass it onto their children and (2) I like money. And I don't want to spend all of it on medications in my later adult years. Medications I maybe could have avoided if I would have lived a less sedentary lifestyle. That's thinking way down the road but even breast cancer, which my mother had, can be decreased with things like less caffeine and more exercise. So here's to being proactive and to another very successful three weeks.. ::toast::


Momma Voss said...

Good for you, though I am not gonna get rid of You are doing wonderful...this blog sounded a lot like my biggest loser Essay.

Katie said...

YAY! We did this in Biloxi and it was a hard transition at first, but now I see no other way.... If only I could get Tommy 'completely' on board, lol! I agree with Momma Voss... gotta have those 2 cups of coffee in the morning! (you know my kids wake up at 5, right? lol) KEEP IT UP :D

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