So just recently a friend gave me sent me a link to an awesome website that is dedicated to being green. This is something I have spent numerous hours thinking about and although I have made more efforts than most people know, I am still dissatisfied with the lack of effort I am putting into it. The website emphasized baby steps throughout it and that's exactly what I intend on doing. First step? Green cleaners. After thoroughly reading this section I have broken it down for anyone else that may be interested in changing their ways. Here goes-
Mirror/glass- vinegar & water
Bathtub/shower- baking soda
Toilets- straight vinegar or baking soda & lemon juice
Counters- 1/2 water and 1/2 hydrogen peroxide or baking soda with a little water
Oven top- baking soda
Furniture polish- olive oil & lemon juice
Floors- vinegar & water.

yay!!! I cant imagine buying regular cleaners anymore!! The everyday brands we grew up with like Windex etc.. i view them as pure poison now! haha
And I was surprised when I switched to vinegar and baking soda - I think they clean WAY better than the conventional cleaners. Plus, my kids could eat them and be fine. And they're cheap!
The last couple years I've been taking steps to become more "green" and healthy too. It's fun! I've switched out our cooking pans, use only green cleaners and detergents, am in the process of getting reverse osmosis water filter so we can have clean water without fluoride or other harmful contaminants and without spending $ on bottled water (which might not be good anyways bc it's not regulated as much as tap). We also eat as much organic as we can and started a garden this year! You are doing great! Check out the shark steam mop too. You can get one for about $68 and it just used hot steam to clean your chemicals and quick drying time so you don't have to worry about kids slipping!
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