So as you probably already know my biggest boy got himself a broken arm from what I gather was an attempt to be superman.. from the couch. :/ Needless to say we had a very lazy day in the Meade house today.
After finally getting the boys asleep at 12:30 this morning I was hoping I would open my eyes and see at least an 11 on the clock. Wrong. 8:20. I didn't get to bed until after 2 because, as usual, AFN chose to conveniently play a movie I've never seen before. ::yawn:: I am paying for it today.
Poor Tyler I could tell it took everything in his little body to not get up and run around like he is used to. Each time he would try I would give him the look and he would resume position. Sorry little guy, mama is just trying to take care of you :(
They put a splint on it and wrapped it up real good until he gets his cast on this week.

...aaaaaaand more resting.
Dylan was okay most of the day. He entertained himself for quite some time by building a mountain out of every toy in the living room. :p
Poor Tyler :(
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