Sunday, September 18, 2011

weight loss; 2 and 1/2 months later.

It's been roughly two and half months since I started my journey. How is it going? It couldn't be any better! The numbers on the scale continue to go down while my desire for exercise and healthy food go up!

Starting weight: 151. Size 10/12.
Current weight: 134. Size 7!
17 pounds down!

I am diving deeper into cooking and becoming more fascinated by making everything myself. It's a great feeling to eat something, or feed the boys something, where I know exactly where it came from and every ingredient in it. Tonight I made homemade pizza using a whole wheat bread recipe my friend uses and it was delicious! If I haven't been making it, it's been organic and either way it just feels really good.

My mom will be here in 5 weeks and I plan on taking full advantage and working out 7 days a week (I'm a 4-5 now and that's days I'm actually in a gym. I workout every single night in my house). I'm praying my nutrition will stay on track while she is here. I have learned that I have little, any any, self control when it comes to saying "No"- although I did pass up a mocha latte something or another drink the other day when shopping with a friend and I must say I was pretty proud of myself! :D Other than that when the opportunity has presented itself I've usually caved in every single time. I shouldn't let this bother me considering I have still managed to lose weight but I just wish I didn't have any temptation.

Anyway, onto some pictures..

I got muscles! I got muscles! (:
(I had horrible morning face in this picture. No thanks!)

Most recent comparison picture.
Sometimes I feel discouraged about my weight loss
but then look at this and feel super motivated again!

I'm starting to find my old body. I have hip bones again and at least a 4 pack going on! :o
When I started this I prepared myself that while most everything would be toning and tightening, my stomach would do the completely opposite. I figured with every pound loss the excess skin would look worse. Much to my surprise, that is not happening at all. And I think I have my detox wraps to thank for that (oh, and maybe the countless sit-ups I do a day?)! I'm definitely a believer.

Until next time...


Amy Lyn said...

Looks great Amber!! Keep up the great work :D

Maritza said...

Great job!

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