Okay, technically Tyler is not my baby boy anymore but at one point in time he was my one and only. Now I sit here browsing online for a cute backpack for him use for preschool and it absolutely blows my mind!
I believe boys share a very special bond with their mommy (and girls with their daddy) and I have felt that very strong bond and connection to him from the moment his naked butt was laid on my chest. It's interesting too because for Tyler's first year of life I worked a job where I sometimes wouldn't come home until 6:30ish. I would feed him, bath him and then put him to bed. Even with such little time that little boy was allllll mine (even if he looked exactly like daddy :p)!
I don't know about anyone else but I share a special bond with him because he was my first baby. He changed me from just a regular person to a mommy. Setting my eyes on him for the first time was the craziest thing ever. It was a love I'd never felt before. I remember being scared and nervous, watching his every movement when we brought him home for the first time. I spent the next 4 weeks just lounging around our lil ol' apartment with him. I had not a single thing to do but gaze at my beautiful little boy Kyle and I had created..
Bringing home our second child, for me, was a little different. I had a 25 month old that I had to keep my eye on.. I couldn't just sleep with Dylan whenever I pleased. I still had to make sure meals and naps were taken care of. It was just different. I see couples with their first baby and I begin to get super nostalgic and can remember exactly how I felt, sounds Tyler made, how he smelled.. I guess it works out perfectly how it is now because I have a special bond with Dylan in the sense that (1) I had a totally difference birth experience with him and (2) he is my "baby".
Anyway, let's take a look at Ty's first year...

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months! Happy Birthday!

... three years later and not much has changed. He still comes to me often and just wants to sit in my lap, hug on mama, and tell me he loves me. Melts my heart! I love my biggest baby boy.. :)
I love all the flashback shots :o) And it's cool to see him as a baby since I've only known him as a big guy... seeing his face on a pudgy baby body is SO CUTE!
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